Town of Prairie Lake, Barron County, Wisconsin – Official Website of the Town of Prairie Lake

Welcome to the
Town of Prairie Lake

News & Info: Welcome to the Town of Prairie Lake, Barron County, WI. Population estimate 1,642 at the 2020 census. Tax payments are due by January 31st. If you wish to make payments in the current year, payments must be received by December 29th.

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Welcome to the Town of Prairie Lake!

Barron County, Wisconsin

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Find the answers you need!

How do I register to vote?
You may register at the town office located at 796 21st Street by making an appointment with the clerk (call (715) 924-2580). You must submit proof of residence in order to register at any time. You may mail in your registration application (with proof of residence) if it is postmarked at least 20 days preceding the election in which you wish to be eligible to vote. You may also register, with proof of residence, on Election Day.
How do I get my dog licensed?
The town treasurer takes care of this – call (715) 924-2580. You pay a fee according to whether the dog is spayed or neutered or not (now $10 & $20) and you must present a current vaccination certificate. (See Dog License Form under “Forms & Permits”.)
When and where are Town Board Meetings held?
On the 2nd Tuesday of the month 6:00 PM unless otherwise noted. The meetings are held at the Municipal Building Meeting Room at 796 21st Street.

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