Special Meeting Notice

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the
Town Board of the TOWN OF PRAIRIE LAKE will be held on
Thursday, September 5th,2019, at 1:00 p.m. at the Meeting
Room in the Town of Prairie Lake Municipal Building.

The agenda:

  1. Meet with the clerk to discuss official business.
    At this point the Board may convene in closed session
    per §19.85(1)(c) Considering employment, promotion,
    compensation or performance evaluation data of any public
    employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction
    or exercises responsibility.
  2. Convene in open session to finalize any issues that may have
    been brought forward in the closed session.
  3. Adjourn
    The meeting is open to the public. The meeting room is handicap
    Megan Reichert, Clerk